As an update to our earlier report of a magistrate court arrest warrant against the flamboyant Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdulrasheed Akanbi, an arrest warrant which he defied, calling the judge names, new developments indicate the case is dead as the litigant, another monarch, Oba Adeoye Kadiri, the Oluwo of Oke has withdrawn the case.

Oba Adeoye Kadiri said he decided to withdraw the case following several appeals from prominent persons from within and outside the state. According to him “It is true that I have withdrawn the case. I had to do that to honour prominent personalities, who have been begging me to do so. The governor also intervened and some notable people in the country. These are the people, who God has given this country to and it will look as if I have an ulterior motive if I insist on going ahead with the case.”

Oba Kadiri had accused the Oluwo of Iwo of sponsoring hoodlums who vandalised his shopping complex among other sundry criminal allegations

While the initial case and charges against the flamboyant Oba have been dismissed, the presiding Magistrate, Mr. Olusola Aluko, has vowed to see the case of contempt against the Oba Akanbi to the end, meaning it’s not yet uhuru for Oba Akanbi. Still a relief for the him and the cultural institution which he represents.