There are a lot of manifestations
of spirituality here, in you, among us.
Brethren! We don’t practice Yoga,
but we are connected to Chukwu Abiama.
Igbo spirituality is the epicenter
of the Universal Spiritual Force.
It is time we find that
which our people have
ignorantly abandoned.
It is a big deal
that we know our belief
and not believing in
every other nations’ beliefs
even though that people do not
want to hear about our philosophy
which has transcended beyond time.
Let’s not be confused
with our faith and spirituality
because they are the very real
spirituality appeal
that takes hold of the hearts of nations.
We should know that others
are not the acclaimed strong sense of spirituality.
Ours is from the cosmos – others are manmade.
We must be sensitive
to the value of our faith and spirituality,
by affecting people positively
with every form of positive character.
Our spirituality
had and will soon open
many different areas
of Igbo life;
ours is not dogmatic,
not causing problem
between religion,
or organized religionists,
and spirituality,
yet the controlled religionists
have refused to pack their load
out of our way.