Along the busy Benin-Auchi Expressway, specifically at Idumwurgha Town, there is now located a wave-making Prayer Mountain, which is owned by Divine Grace of Glory Church, a church with a followership of 200,000 members.

In this prayer mountain, highly placed society men and women from all walks of life and from all churches across Nigeria and outside come for their personal and group treat with God to  in order to achieve their personal spiritual solutions to their various problems. The prayer mountain is located on 100 plots of land each measuring 100’x 100’. As a result of this new prayer mountain existence in the Idumwurgha  town, people that matters from all walks of life have bought all the land in the town for the purpose of development, thereby transforming the erstwhile agrarian lovely town to a city, where commercial activities now thrive 24 hours of every day of the week.

The General Overseer and Spiritual Leader of Divine Grace of Glory Church, owners of the Prayer Mountain, Pastor Peter Israel Obaseki plans to build the Prayer City was actually conceived in the year 2004, when a vision was revealed to  him on February 24, 2004.

He however said that work did not start on the project in earnest until 10 years later when he started to  take giant steps of faith even when there was nothings.

According to him, “I was behaving like an abnormal human being, but today the place has become a city of its own, because Grace of Glory is now there.”

He said the Glory of the Church attracted developers to the community when they saw people trooping to the community. He said when he got to the place it was a forest and “I employed the services of bulldozers to open up the place.”

Pastor Obaseki said he also created access road and the community had no light but today the church has provided light. He said the purpose of embarking on the gigantic project was for the purpose of winning souls for the Kingdom of God in a conductive atmosphere. To turn people’s tears to joy to become a father to the fatherless and a husband to the widows.

Pastor Obaseki noted that those that have the glory of God are happy to discover the ministry because of the true gospel of Jesus Christ, “we preach. They have found that we are not magicians, that we are not playing gimmicks in the ministry, the ministry is not deceiving people. That is why each service is always full of testimonies and miracles. These are causing great attractions from different states of the country.

“By the Grace of God, why this vision was unfolding we got a branch in New York, I have never been to New York.”

–Sunny Ojeiduma