Could Mark Elliot Zuckerberg be an anti Christ? this is the question asked by many who can’t phantom the main reason the account of gospel singer, Frank Edward was blocked.

According to the singer who disclosed that the reason his account was closed could be because he promised to send free copies of bible to some souls he won and he discovered his account was deactivated the next day.

After his encounter, which happened about two months ago, the singer didn’t make it public until a fan reached out to him via another social media platform that he has not been replying his messages.

he said: ” i no longer use Facebook and it’s been two months now. two months ago, i promised on Facebook live that i was going to send few copies of bibles to some souls i won and next day Facebook closed my account.”

While many supporter of the singer has been fusing all around social media about what happened to the singer who isn’t willing to open another account with Facebook, no official response has been release from the organization.