Why ‘Japa’ trend is improper – Wale Ojo

Nigerian actor, Wale Ojo, has disapproved of the trend of travelling abroad for greener pastures.

Ojo noted that the japa, as it is called in the local parlance is embarrassing and a show of low self-esteem.

Popular among young Nigerians, the thespian advocated that instead of running away from the inadequacies, this set, mainly professionals, should join hands to build the country.

In a recent interview, the actor expressed his love for Nigeria, saying, “I have many aspirations. It would have been easy for me to stay abroad in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, or even Russia, and I would have been fine there. But I love Nigeria, and I always will.”

He stressed his commitment to being part of the solution to Nigeria’s problems. “I have a lot of visions for Nigeria. I want to see a country where people don’t feel the need to ‘japa’.

“When I come home, despite the challenges, I aim to be part of the solution. The government should engage with the creative industry and people like us who have a vision for the country. We don’t just follow the crowd.”