Many believe that for you to achieve success you must be hardworking, Ace musician Asa seems to have different view about that as she wrote on her twitter handle after Donald Trump was declared winner of the Us Presidential election.

She wrote, ‘Hardwork does not pay’.  When people make use of this expression what they mean is that the amount of effort expended to reach a goal determines what is achieved. And success can not be achieved without hard.

Does it mean that the assertion has proven not to be true in the case of Clinton and Trump.That hardwork alone does not guarantee success? If you disagree, it then means that Hillary Clinton was not in any way hardworking in her pursuit to winning the election but that is far from being the case.

Asa may have had the same line of thought with Edmond Mbiaka who said that “Hard work only pays off when it meets the right plan of action.” 

“A lot of hard workers fall short of success because they don’t understand that working hard only pays off when it is channeled on the right plan of action.” 

 Perhaps this was exactly what happened to Clinton. She failed to discover her loopholes and her opponent used it against her.

Do you think it is better to say that hard work plus smart work gives tremendous success. What is your take on that ?