Sexily endowed Nollywood actress Uche Iwuji is certainly letting her dazzling beauty to take care of her and pay her bills. Just as her beauty entraps her fans as they stay glued, watching her in movies, her beauty seems to have also in the past two years been captivating Chief Emeka who is said to be deeply tantalized by Uche Iwuji’s super body curves.

Chief Emeka is said to be a multi-millionaire businessman who is into the importation of top electronic equipment. It is a love affair that favours both parties as the rumour mill also says that Chief Emeka is very accommodating with his wealth and showers the actress with financial empowerment.

Uche Iwuji is these days about town, a lover of parties and the good life; it is not unusual to see her in the company of some other Nollywood delectable actresses in delirious revelry. However, this gist can only be served in low tones.