It is assumed that when a lady is not married, the possibility of keeping dates with men with fat wallets is more than 50 per cent. Especially if she is a celebrity and wants to maintain that high standard of life. If she is beautiful, that increases her number of dates more so, if none of the men in her life is ready to walk her down the aisle.
At least, she would enjoy their expensive gifts, money and favour.

Little wonder a typical Owerri mother rejoices so much when her first child is a female because she assumes that her ‘O je eweta’ (a go-getter) has been born. Someone who would take care of her financially and other wise has arrived. And when such a baby is grown and becomes ‘O je eweta,’ nobody frowns whether she brings from a lover, a husband or a mere boyfriend as long as she takes care of her responsibilities. She is so much loved as long as she remains a go-getter. Even when her marriage crashes, her mother’s love would still be intact. She would be welcomed back home to her father’s house and that is when she is called ‘Mgbo odo Owerri’ (damsel of Owerri).
From the looks of things, Adaora Ukoh and Anita Joseph, two Nollywood acts are trying to toe that line. Remember there was a time it was rumoured that Anita was dating one rich guy who sponsored her birthday bash in Port Harcourt. That the rich guy also sponsored her trip to South Africa where she went for her musical video shoot and the guy footed the bill. That was good, after all the guy was her boyfriend and Anita too paid back in kind but please don’t ask me how.

I also heard that Anita has a new ‘bobo’ now. Maybe she has brushed the other guy aside. After all, has it not been said that soldier go soldier come?

The soldier ‘wey come’ is one of the serving governors of South-South. Guess what! I hear she was spotted in the oil rich state last month. And a few weeks later she was spotted in a convoy as she cruised around like the queen of England. The convoy took her round for a shopping spree. Life is good you know and methink that this ‘sisi’ is enjoying the best of her time. The best of her spinsterhood.
Adaora Ukoh is also doing the same thing. The two babes honestly don’t give a hoot. They believe the men in their lives must satisfy their needs. After all of what use is a relationship when the man is unable to meet the needs of his babe? Of what benefit?

Little wonder it has been squealed that Adaora’s life is being buttered like bread by one Mr. The same guy who sponsored her trip to London. Right now she has jetted out of the country. As you are reading this piece, she is somewhere in London chilling out. Can you beat that? I also heard that lover man has roving eyes for actresses. Adaora having known that she is his present prey doesn’t want to misuse the opportunity. This is her time and her turn. Opportunity only comes but once, remember? So, ‘no shaking’ she is grabbing as much as possible now, making enough hey while the sun shines.

Guess what! Bring your ears closer and hear this. The lover boy is equal to the task o!. Since Adaora became the only mosquito in the guy’s net, things are seriously beginning to look up for her. ‘Ndi sim-sim-sim’ (gossips) said the guy changed her car to a brand new kia jeep, moved her from her old flat to a three bedroom, well furnished flat in Ajah. Who says the bouncing ‘bobo’ is not trying?
Are these two divas not enjoying the best of times? Methink they are o!