Popular Ibadan-based Christian dance drama troupe, Christ Chosen Vessels (aka Alfa Sule) was a major attraction at this year’s Jesus Festival, which held recently in Ile-Oluji, Ondo State. The festival was always graced by popular gospel musicians and actors during the weeklong event organized by Ile-Oluji for Christ Gospel Ministry (ICM).

The reputation of Jesus Festival and gospel musicians as well as other Christian personalities in the arts according to Pastor Johnson Oriade, Coordinator, ICM is a deliberate strategy to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ among the people.

The effort, according to him is geared towards reclaiming town of Ile-Oluji, which used to be popular for occult traditions performed at the gospel of Christ. He added that legendary juju musician and latter day Evangelist, Ebenezer Obey Fabiyi several years ago was among the ministers who first performed at the Festival.

This year was no exception as the event featured other prominent gospel musicians such as Evangelist (Dr.) Bola Are, Segun Oluwayomi, pastor Tony Chime and Sewenle Jesu among others.

Days before the event, the eighth in the series, words had already gone out about the hilarious performance of the Alfa Sule group. The frenzy generated by the presence of the group was palpable as people of Ile-Iluji in their thousands stormed the open field of Baptist Grammar School to catch the fun.

The phenomenal dance group through its comic drama sketches has become one of the most sought after performing groups in the South-West and have been commanding a huge fan base across all strata of society following the release of some of their movies into the market.

Although that was not the first time which Alfa Sule and his group would be visiting Ile-Oluji however, the ovation that greeted the appearance of the group on stage was simply monumental. A mad rush for space ensued as Femi Ajewole aka Alfa Sule, leader mounted the stage while ushers quickly formed ring round the stage to ensure his safety.

Alfa Sule who was dressed in his usual ‘old man costume’ and his youthful team of actors were in their elements. Ajewole before proceeding however seized the opportunity to disabuse the minds of critics who have accused the group of ridiculing other Christian denominations as well as other religions. He explained, “We are not out to condemn any denomination or religion contrary to insinuations by many people. We are ministers of the gospel and chief aim is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in a refreshing way through the medium of dance drama.”

From that point, it was action rather than words as the group took centre stage doing what has endeared them to millions of ardent movie viewers in Nigeria. The group re-enacted scenes from their blockbuster comedy entitled Take Heed.

The story of two young boys returning from school took a dramatic turn when one of them (Soji) made an attempt to pick money on the floor. That decision turned fatal, as Soji remained transfixed to the spot. Sighting his colleague’s dilemma, the other student who had earlier advised his mate against taking the money dashed to inform Mummy Soji (Soji’s mother) of the unfortunate incidence.

However, no sooner had Mummy Soji made contact with her son did she remain hooked to the spot. Each of the other people he turned to for help including Soji’s Father, Teacher, Woli (White garment Pastor), Professor (Magician) etc also remained transfixed as soon as they made contact touched the boy. At last, salvation came upon the intervention of a real ‘born-again’ Christian. Drawing curtain on the festival, an all-night concert featuring various music and drama performances brought the weeklong event to a close.