Junk food contain a class of fats known as “trans fat” that can make young men and women like you infertile, even if you are in tip-top physical and mental state of health. Trans fat are the type of fat formed when liquid oils are processed into solid fats.

Typical examples are hard margarine or commercial frying fats that can be used repeatedly without breaking down in composition.


They increase the levels of “bad” cholesterol and decrease relative levels of “good” cholesterol. They also promote inflammation and the formation of blood clots within blood vessels. The impact of a diet high in trans fats on an otherwise healthy couple who is trying to start a family is significant. Along with other health concerns associated with trans fats(high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity), decreased fertility appeared to be directly linked to trans fat consumption.

You are not just wrecking your heart and waistline with all the unhealthy fat loaded in the deep-fried crispy chicken, beef burger, oily French fries or sugar filled ice cream, you could also be wrecking your chances of getting pregnant.