Dance-hall female singer, Cynthia Morgan, has got a message for some ladies who feel that when a guy dumps them or they catch the guy cheating on them the best way is to attack them with weapons.

The singer using herself as an example stated that rather than attack her man with weapon, she will rather compose a song to blast him, his friends and the new lady.

She added that she will do things that will make the man stalk her tour dates for the rest of his life.

“This can never be me Though. I Never Stress, ama just write a couple of more chilled records that him, his hommies and his new girl will always be fan of and watch them stalk me and my tour dates for the rest of their lives. what I am saying is Young girl don’t stress, never stress, Work hard, Pray and watch him be a fan. It’s never that deep,” she said after sharing a short musical clip.