Sadly, actress Lilian Esoro mother of one and the estranged wife of Triple MG Boss Ubi Franklin has lost faith in love especially coming from a man.

 This revelation from Lilian Esoro is quite disturbing and coming at a time when reports have shown her allegedly patronizing s-x 0oys sellers.

Lilian has just buttressed the fact that she wants nothing to do with her hubby anymore or any man for that matter.

Actress Caroline Danjuma had shared a post on her own page about love which says: “If we date, I am not here to judge you for your past but to fix it and make it ten times better”


However, Lilian who is now sceptical about love dropped a comment saying “That is if they exist anymore boo” this simply means that our dear beautiful Lilian has lost all hope while Caroline Danjuma still believes love will happen to her!

