Nigerian singer and EME boss Olu Bankole Wellington popularly called banky w has given the significance names brings upon its bearers. The singer has use his self has a living prove to highlight this great revelation and also given insight on why he refuse people calling him just Bankole.

The singer believes name are more than just for bearing purpose but it is like a prayer and prophecy towards the live of the bearer.

He narrated how his name has really helped him to be successful in life to the point of becoming a home owner.

He said;

“What’s in a name?

One of my favourite aspects of Nigerian culture is the weight that certain tribes give to the naming of their children. Naija parents don’t just settle for names that sound good. We actually give our kids “mini prayers” or “prophesies” as names.

See, my father’s name is “Bankole”, and it would have been customary for me to inherit the same exact name as him… except that “Bankole” means “help me build my house”; and so when naming me, my parents intentionally added “Olu” which is the Yoruba word for “God”, making my name “Olubankole” or “GOD help me build my house”, so that the prayer would transfer the responsibility for help to God , as opposed to leaving it open ended for just anyone/circumstances/fate. That’s why I either prefer to be called “Banky” or “Olubankole”, never “Bankole”. Because it’s God that helps me.

I grew up holding on to my name as a prayer point, because I believe in the power of positive confession, and in my mind, owning a home was the surest sign that I had truly become successful. So, just the act of saying my name was me LITERALLY saying that God HAD to help me build my house. Home ownership became an obsession; and to all the young folks out there hustling to secure the bag and progress in the world, I recommend that you do the same.

 I understand the desire to stunt a little bit, but before you buy that fancy luxury car and cop watches and chains… before you hit the strip club and make it rain… before you take the “money phone” picture and pop bottles of champagne… do your absolute best to own the house you live in.

Then try and own one more as an investment. Your future kids will thank you.”