Sir Victor Uwaifo is a legend you cannot miss when talking about music and Africa. His evergreens songs like ‘Mummy Water had stolen the airwaves in the late 70s.  

The  Professor of Arts at the University of Benin and multi-talented artist has been to cope with fame and women because he learnt the meaning of discipline.

He said “It was discipline, I knew where I was coming from. I knew where I was going, and I knew what I wanted. There is nothing that has not existed unless you have not been opportune to have that esoteric knowledge to experience or know them. I kept myself busy to be happy and when you are busy you don’t have distractions.”

Sir Victor said “ It is only somebody who is not busy and doesn’t plan how he wants to live his life that will be distracted. Some people don’t have plans so they can easily fall prey to anything but it will interest you to know that I don’t smoke and I have never smoked in my life. It is hard to believe that I have never ever smoked cigarette, I don’t drink; only nowadays I take a glass of wine because it is good for the heart. So discipline is the key and moderation.”