Naturally, in every home, there is bound to be disagreement or quarrel at one time or the other between husband and wife. In most cases, this often leads to a fight, especially if it is not well managed.

This week, we examine what will happen if you come home and find out that your partner has slapped your mother!
Undoubtedly, this is one issue that is bound to break any home, if not well managed.

In this report, some celebrities bare their minds on what they will do if such a thing occurs in their homes

Is she possessed or what? •Pretty —Musician, event organizer

I will try to find out what must have happened; and I know she will ordinarily not do that if she’s not bewitched or something. I know the kind of wife I am married to, so I will try to find out if she acted under some juju or Ogbanje to have done such a thing.

Well, I know that my wife and I are bound by marriage, but my mother and I are bound by blood. I am not a violent person by nature, so I won’t resolve the issue by any violent means.

Being my mother’s favourite son, I will beg her on behalf of my wife and I know she will forgive her. Then, I will warn my wife that such a thing must never repeat itself.

My mother is late so… Fidelis Duker,

First and foremost, my mother is dead. But if this were to happen when she was alive, I would be shocked and too stunned to know how to respond.In such a situation, I would have called the two of them to a meeting; and no matter what must have happened, I would have asked my wife to apologize to my mum.

She will beg… Mudi, Fashion designer

Before I’ll even listen to anything, I will compel my wife to apologize to my mum by going on her knees. It is only after she has done so that I can listen to her story.

It can never happen. Princes —Comedian, actress

My husband cannot do such a thing. Anyone who is close to me knows how much I love and cherish my husband, so my husband cannot do that. My mother and my husband will have respect for each other. It cannot happen. I love my mother and I love my husband. I know that such a thing can never happen between the two of them. I cannot imagine it because I know it cannot happen.

If he does that, he doesn’t love me. •Vivian Ejike, Movie producer

Well, I won’t be happy at all. I believe that if my husband loves me, no matter what must have transpired between him and my mother, he will wait for me to get home before doing anything.

I am a stickler for respect; I respect my elders and no matter what, I won’t do such a thing to his mother. I believe there is a way I would have spoken to my mother to make her see reasons. It wouldn’t have degenerated into any scuffle if I was allowed to handle it. There is this thing you cannot take away from mother to daughter/son. If not for anything at all, he should consider her age because African culture frowns at such. So, I believe that he shouldn’t have done that. Nevertheless, I will look for a way to settle the issue.

No woman can try that •Desmond Elliot, Actor, movie producer

Dem never born that kain woman. Such a woman is not alive! Slapping my mother means slapping me and I cannot just imagine such a thing happening. No woman will do such a thing to my mother of all persons.