Nigerian Hip hop musician, Lynxx seems to  have embraced God the more as he has dropped every mundane things to become a gospel artiste.

Lynxx who usually post quotes from the bible on his social media page has not stopped getting a lot of criticism from fans but he was never deterred.

He kept on giving encouraging words to those fans who are yet to embrace the light. He prays that they all find the light for he was once in darkness but now, he is an ambassador for Christ.

 “the amount of ignorance I come across in my comments and in daily encounters/conversations is alarming, but I understand because I was also once in the dark. My prayer is we all find the Light before it’s too late! “They ask me what’s with the preaching?” My answer is; if you open your Bible, you will find out” 

He continued, “as an ambassador for Christ, you never have anything to prove, Conversion is the work of the Holy Spirit not us. Live your life, evangelize, speak the truth and stay true to your faith. Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome, but kind to everyone. Love conquers all so, remember to always show love. God bless you all,” he said.