Big brother Nigeria housemate Nina has a lot to worry about her education after her comments concerning her institute of study.

According to statements sometimes ago she had issued that when she comes back from the BBNaija house to continue with her studies she will sort out her school of study Imo State University.

With regards to her comments, the vice chancellor of the Institute Prof. Adaobi Obasi has issued that they are waiting for her to come back to the school which they will be the one to sort her out.

The VC of IMSU who is concerned over the influence which Nina now possess said she will be watched closely so she does not affect other students with her negative influence she picked up in the house.

“As we have a lot to do, you too have a lot to do. One of my students is now in Big Brother Naija. It is not the type of thing I am saying because I don’t see the need.

I am talking of something positive; something that will help. We are praying, I told some people that this lady, whatever influence that she has, does not affect my other students here, my daughters here. We give something that will yield something. I never know what that BBN, the morals it is teaching. Maybe I am the only one out there.

I don’t know what it is teaching us. Is it to have s*x in the public? So, this is my own opinion and I hold onto it. Can you imagine my student telling them that she will sort us out here? We are waiting for her to come and sort us out. Didn’t you listen to her, that she would sort us out? When she finishes, let her come home and sort us out. If this girl comes back, I will watch her and make sure she has dropped those influences.

I know I sent out some girls to America for leadership training. I allowed them upon return to teach others. This is the type of thing I want us to do. I will watch her and I will make sure she has dropped that influence” Prof. Obasi issued while addressing a crowd in Owerri, Imo state capital.