Star Actress Omotota Jalade-Ekeindes’ name is a recouring decimal in Nollywood. From a humble beginning, the screen goddess blazed into the thespian world in a dramatic style.

Through her hit movie “mortal Inheritance”.

The movie carted home over four Awards at the Real Awards, since then, this super Actress and mother of four has been a force to recon with in the Nigerian make belief industry popularly known as Nollywood.

Rather than slow down, Omotola still holds sway as she captures competitive roles in the movie clan. Her presence in Nollywood has kept soaring. According to a recent report, she has received over $ 20,000 to star alongside Genevieve in a new flick shot a few another ago in USA.

Omotola who is also a singer and dancer has recorded various Albums. After her debut album three years ago, the sultry actress has being in legal fusel, but her second album to be released soon is expected to be a hit.

The social Activist has also continued with her NGO that helps indigent people in society. However, all these land able efforts had in no way affected her marital duties to her husband and children.

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