She wore a worried look when Ogbonna Amadi, Entertainment Editor met with her at a popular eatery in Ikeja, Lagos. As she toyed with her phones while waiting for my arrival, nothing could have exposed the turmoil going through her head. Welcome to the world of Hadiza Zaki Azzay, as she unfolds details of her crashed relationship with her husband and popular musician, Zaki Azzay.

Let’s meet you!

My name is Hadiza Zaaki Azzay.

Is true you have packed out of your matrimonial home?

I was dressing up my children that morning, when he sent my son to come call me. My son’s exact words were ‘’Mummy, daddy is calling you but don’t go’’. I knew deep down that he was saying the truth because if Zaaki should lock me up in his room, I’m as good as dead. He would beat me non stop and sometimes raise the volume of the TV or start the generator to douse my cry for help.

When I didn’t go, he came to the room and asked me why I did not harken to his call. I did not respond. He saw me dressing up the children and thought I would take them away to my father’s place the same way I did last year. He took the children away that morning and I quickly reasoned that his next step would be to come back and beat me. So I took a few clothes and ran away.

Someone introduced to ‘’Project Alert’’ and I went to the shelter. On the 4th of June, My father told me Zaaki informed him that he is bringing back my luggages. I decided to hire a taxi to go pick my things myself. Before then, close neighbours had called regularly to say they see my children trekking to and from school because Zaaki does not take them in his car.

On my way to the house on that very day, I saw them trekking home with the maid. When I stopped they happily jumped into the car. The maid who was with them started shouting and calling me ‘’Thief’’ alerting passers by. She tore the dress I wore. I manged to escape with two of the kids leaving my daughter behind. Zaaki went to threaten the proprietress of the school saying we connived to kidnap his children.

He aslo went to our family doctor to try get a report that his maid suffered injuries in hand but the doctor refused saying he is a Christian and would not be a party to a break up a marriage. Later, he gave me a particular medical report because he was convinced Zaaki would go the extreme one day. Even the hospital where I gave birth to my last born, Zaaki has refused to pay them.

What was his excuse?

His excuse was that while other women were giving birth to boys, I was giving birth to women. He always says people tell him my children look like my siblings and that he would not be shocked to find out that it was my brother that impregnated me. Whenever he starts beating me, it seems as if there is a spirit inside him.

Do you love Him?

If I didn’t love Zaaki, I wouldn’t have married him. We met when I was in school and worked part time as secretary in my father firm when I’m on holidays. My dad was an active journalist before he went into politics. Zaaki used to patronize him and with time, we started talking on the phone. One day he told me he loved and wanted me as his wife. Zaaki’s father gave my father his first employment. So it was like my father was returning a favour by giving me out in marriage to Zaaki.

What happened to the children on that fateful day?

Two them had entered the vehicle before the lady started shouting and calling me a thief. But the child, my daughter was still standing outside. I left with the two that were already in the car.

How did the school authorities get to hear about it, did it happen in the school premises?

No. It didn’t happen inside the school but we were not very far from the school premises. Some of the teachers came out and identified me as the kids mother but she still kept on calling me a thief.

Have you reported this matter to his family?

He is not in good terms with his mother, elder sister and almost all members of his family except one of his brothers who he sees once in a blue moon.

Did you try to locate his mother about this issue?

I have no idea where to look for her because she was in Makurdi then relocated to Abuja. She used to call and ask after everybody’s well being but anytime Zaaki goes through my phone and see her number, he would delete it immediately.

But you sometimes went out together…

Yes we did. But I stopped going out with him because anytime we go out and any man approaches me or even says hi, we would leave the place in a hurry or he would start asking me questions about the man. He feels so insecure. The main reason why I am addressing this issue through the press is because I am scared for my life and the life of people helping me.

He went to make false allegations against me to the police. I want the Inspector General to look into this matter squarely. When I went to see the police, the police officer in charge of the case threatened to detain me if I failed to produce the children. My lawyer had to sign an undertaken that we’d bring the children the next day.

When Zaaki reported me to his uncle, he lied that he bought me a jeep. People who know me are aware that I trek to school most of the time. Zaaki would sometimes disguise to come and spy on me in school or send some of his boys. He has threatened to deal with me on several occasions.

What are you studying in school?

I’m a student of history and international relations. I’m in my final year. Right now, he has seized all my school documents. I really don’t know what Zaaki wants from me, I’m sure members of my family have not offended him in any way. If anything should happen to me in the nearest future, I have said Zaki should be held responsible.

What if Zaaki comes back to apologize?

He has begged on several occasions in the past but this time I would never go back to go back to him. Right now, I am fighting for my right and that of my children. I’m learned and I am aware of other relating issues.